Device Operations finally made possible.


edge operations for IoT

ByteTrail is delivering the world’s first Industrial IoT software supply chain. We enable autonomous edge computing by securely sourcing and delivering software for any smart device. Our systems and tools bring a new efficiency to distributed device lifecycle operations.

The problem

Industrial IoT Device Management is MIA

IoT Device Management provides basic device lifecycle services, such as device provisioning, monitoring, updating, and managing. The Device Management lifecycle is often an afterthought in the digital transformation journey.

The solution

ByteTrail’s Revolutionary DeviceOps System

DeviceOps goes a step further than Device Management. We unite the OEM software supply chain, cloud-based management, automated edge services, and device services. This allows a full feedback loop for the ecosystem to learn and adapt. DeviceOps and DataOps together fully enable digital transformation.

New Outcomes

DeviceOps and DataOps working in concert

Three key outcomes for edge operations can now be realized. This fully enables digital transformation.

Our approach

Provide the Foundation for Autonomous Edge Computing

Our cohesive DeviceOps methodology transitions Industrial IoT management from device-centric to edge-centric. The result is Edge 4.0 where Information Technology (IT) and Operations Technology (OT) are fully converged; that is, the digital world of IT is fully integrated with the physical world of OT.

The vision of self-managing, self-healing, and self-organized systems at the edge becomes reality.

The best solution

is the one you don’t even know is there.


Edge first, lowering cloud data costs


Everything as code enables rapid configuration


Update, configure, and improve on the fly


Heterogenous devices managed as one


IT burden removed for OT user-operators


Design covers +90% use cases with no friction


Edge operational awareness now available

Why focus on the edge?

The Key Resulting Benefits for DeviceOps:

  • Remote management by exception
  • Reallocate scarce resources to key problems
  • Improved safety and security
  • Automated notification of threshold violations
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Autonomous software alerting, updating, remediation

True digital transformation

What Makes ByteTrail Different?

Built for Operations

The problem

Traditional Industrial IoT device management focuses on the needs of Information Technology (IT) and Development Operations (DevOps) in the digital domain, not Operations Technology (OT) in the physical domain.

Our solution

We offer the first toolchain and integrated user experience built for operators from the ground-up, removing complexity and providing control. Now operators are free to focus on unlocking their business potential in the field.

Edge-First Design

The problem

Conventional IoT computing on the edge is lacking key capabilities. There is no cohesive toolchain or software supply chain to support end-to-end automation.

Our solution

We provide a means to learn and adapt at the edge, enabling the foundation for autonomous edge computing: self-managing, self-healing, and self-organized edge.

DeviceOps Ecosystem

The problem

Today’s management tools are an afterthought for DataOps vendors, who promote closed platforms that rely on complex tools and manual intervention to manage devices on the edge.

Our solution

We provide an edge-first open ecosystem enabling device observability, manageability, and actionability at scale.

About us

Our Mission: Unlocking Digital Transformation with DeviceOps

True Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 principles cannot be fully realized without DeviceOps and software supply chain built for Industrial IoT. ByteTrail provides the world’s first distributed systems and tools to fully unlock the potential of the autonomous edge.

Brenda Stoner


Brandon Grooters


Steve Coutoumanos


Contact us

Learn How ByteTrail Can Revolutionize Your Device Management

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